Our Story
Our journey together began April 2013—as typical teenage sweethearts but a thousand miles apart:
Linden— he's from
Georgia.Blue arrow pointing to Linden
Linden and June - 2013
June— she's from
Illinois.Pink arrow pointing to June
It was our senior year in high school...
As an angsty kid himself, he messaged me to talk.
Linden - 2013
June - 2013
In typical teen fashion, I was complaining about my life online.
And in April 2013...
I "accidentally" called him my boyfriend...

And it stuck!
Photo Group
And it stuck!
We would visit each other every 3 or 4 months.
Just going back and forth from Illinois and Georgia (and later Kansas)
June Kissing Linden
June Sideways
Linden Sideways
Receipt + Photo
Linden Kissing June
Linden + June
Linden + June
June Sitting
Linden Sitting
After eight years traveling back and forth, we finally moved in together!
Linden in a bear blanket
June in a hat
June and Leopold
Linden holding eggroll
Linden and June laying down
Everyone on the couch
In April 2022...
He proposed...
Linden and June in Utah
June holding up her ring
Squaw Peak, UtahPink arrow pointing to engagement photo in Utah
And now, after 10 years...
We're getting married!
Engagement photo in the garden
And finally, days after our 11 year anniversary...
Our Happily Ever After!
Us married!

As we walk our new chapter, we're thankful for everyone in our lives, whether they were able to be there personally or not. We love you all.

We're gathering all photos from the wedding and will also include professional photos in this album: Click here for album!
Please add photos or videos you may have taken during the wedding to this. We want as many as we can get!
Location & Time
We can't wait to travel the world with you! Here's the when, where, what, and how to help you plan for our wedding.

See FAQ for all other information on wedding related things such as guest attire, venue information, and traditions.
Friday April 26th, 2024
add to your calendar:
gmail ical
Cross Creek Ranch
12950 E. Wheeler Road
Dover, Florida 33527
Arrow to map
Ceremony - 5:00 P.M. at the Carriage House Stable in the Enchanted Forest
Reception - After ceremony at the same location until 10:00 P.M.
We kindly ask guests to use this page to RSVP for you and your family. Let us know any accommodations that may be needed so we can verify if these requests can be made (e.g. assistance walking before/after ceremony, dietary restrictions, etc.)

Note: This is the ONLY way you can RSVP!
This just goes straight to Linden's email!
I / the invitation to the wedding of June and Linden.
Please accept or decline!
Some FAQs
If you have a question that isn't answered here, please feel free to either reach out to us directly or ask it in the RSVP form.
  • What is the dress code for the wedding?
    Semi-formal to cocktail attire requested. Please no white/off-white, ivory, or beige full attire.
  • Will children be allowed at the wedding?
    No, this is a child free wedding. (For both ceremony and reception, sorry!)
  • Will it be indoors or outdoors?
    The ceremony will be in shaded outdoors, and the reception will be mostly indoors with some outdoor spaces available.
  • What is the weather like in the area?
    Expect temperatures of high 70s, cooling as the day goes. There is AC in the reception venue!
  • Am I allowed to take photos at the wedding?
    We plan to have an electronic free ceremony (no phones, cameras, tablets, etc), but we welcome and encourage any photos and videos during the reception.
  • Where should we bring/send wedding gifts?
    If you buy a gift through the Amazon registry, you can send it directly to us. Bringing a physical gift is fine as well!
In the Philippines, sometimes a wedding is called...
“Pag-iisang dibdib”
(Translation: The Union of [two] Hearts)
We find it important for us to incorporate some Filipino wedding traditions throughout the ceremony and reception. So here's what to expect in our Filipino-American wedding:
During the ceremony:
  • The Unity Veil
    The veil is draped over the couple's shoulders with each end pinned onto the Bride and Groom. The veil symbolizes protection of the marriage and the couple's togetherness as they face the world as one.
  • The Yugal (Wedding Unity Cord)
    The cord is looped in as an infinity symbol which sits on top of the Unity Veil. The Yugal represents everlasting love and fidelity between the couple.
  • The Aras (Unity Coins)
    After the cord and veil are removed, thirteen coins are presented by the wedding officiant or ring/coin bearer, which are then handed from the groom to the bride and passed back. The Aras represents prosperity, the sharing of worldly goods, and one's promise to support one another for richer or poorer.
  • The Unity Candle
    A candle is lit together by bride and groom to signify the union of them and their families.
During the reception:
  • Pabaon sa Binibining (The Money Dance)
    Garlands are draped and dollar bills are pinned to the Bride and Grooms clothing while they take turns dancing with guests. This tradition establishes the couple in their new life together and shows how much they are loved and appreciated. In our case, money isn't expected or required, but notes of affirmation are also welcomed to be pinned on the newlyweds.
  • Tinikling
    A traditional Philippine folk dance involving two people beating, tapping, and sliding bamboo poles on the ground as the dancers step over and inbetween the poles. Everyone is invited to come up and enjoy this well-loved traditional dance. You don't need to be Filipino, and no experience is needed. Just as long as you can remember "in-in-out-out", we promise you won't lose a foot!
Now with all that said, to all our kaibigan at mga mahal namin sa buhay, tuloy po kayo at samahan ninyo kaming ipagsaya ang araw na ito! ♡
(Translation: To all our friends and family, c'mon and join us in the celebration!)
Tap on the gifts below to go to our registry options. If it's a better option for you to bring something physical to the reception or you want to bring something totally different, feel free to! There'll be an area set up just for that.

And please keep in mind— this isn't mandatory. We're thrilled that you're coming to celebrate with us- and that's the best gift of all!

Please note, we won't be opening any of these until after the wedding!
We're so excited and can't wait to share this beautiful moment with you. Hope to see you there!
Love always,
June & Linden
Linden and June with Chicago skyline
Special thanks to Ayah Paras for the website design and June for icons, doodles, and handwritten fonts. Site created by Linden.